Sheryl Vernon
School Psychologist
About Sheryl
Sheryl Vernon is a School Psychologist Ed.S. at CUES, where she covers diagnostic testing for the region. She received her degree from Brigham Young University.
Before working at CUES, Sheryl ran the Crayon Academy Preschool from her home for 16 years and before that was a Special Education Teacher in the Nebo district for five years. She earned an associate's degree from Utah Valley University and a dual Bachelor of Science in special education and psychology from SUU. Sheryl and Thesis Professor Beth Cutrer have just recently published Sheryl's thesis in Rural Special Education Quarterly Journal under the title Empowering Rural Elementary Special Educators to Intensify and Individualize Literacy Instruction: A Multiple Case Study.
Sheryl likes to be active; gardening, walking, and paddle boarding are some of her current pastimes. She also enjoys reading all genres of material and spending time with her family. Sheryl has five exceptional children and a spectacular husband.